Vanilla Molina Recipe Book
Put some magic into everything you do
Welcome to our kitchen! You’ll find all our classic and trending recipes here, a real treat for your loved ones and clients alike.
Follow incredible recipes for every occasion in english, you can find them in our Vainilla Molina USA digital recipe book
Desserts and breads
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Panna cotta de vainilla
Desserts and breads
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Pastel en vasos para vender
Breakfasts and dishes
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Trifle de granola, yogurt y frutos rojos
Desserts and breads
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Flan de café
Breakfasts and dishes
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Bolitas de queso y nueces
Desserts and breads
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Galletas de fresa
Desserts and breads
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Panqué de nuez y especias
Desserts and breads
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Mini pays de limón
Desserts and breads
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Barra de chocolate
Desserts and breads
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Galletas de fresa
Desserts and breads
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Galletas de santa
Breakfasts and dishes
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Tamales de pollo
Desserts and breads
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Betún con vainilla molina
Desserts and breads
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Polvorones de canela
Desserts and breads
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